MSc thesis defences - 2024 Summer

MSc thesis defences - 2024 Summer

13. June 2024. 09:00 - 15:00

Council room of the Institute of Biology, Lágymányos Southern Building 7.411


2024. June 13. 09:00 - 15:00

Council room of the Institute of Biology, Lágymányos Southern Building 7.411

MSc. Thesis defence, 2023-2024, II. semester

The MSc. theses of the Department of Biology and Neurobiology will be defended on 13 June 2024 in the lecture hall of the Institute of Biology (ELTE TTK Southern Building 7.411).

All students are kindly requested to arrive 20 minutes before the start of the Defense to upload the presentations. The marks will be announced approx. 30 min. after the last presentation!

On the defense, the main results of the thesis should be presented in 15 minutes. Subsequently, you will have to answer the written questions of the reviewers as well as the on-going questions raised by the Defense Committee and the audience.

MSc. Defence


Student name

Thesis work title

(internal consultant)

9:00-9:10 Opening remarks


Zsoldos Roland

REPAIRiNG-HD: Studying the DNA repair mechanism in Huntington's disease

Dr. Pircs Karolina
(Dr. Tárnok Krisztián)


Bauer Krisztina Rita Effects of depolarization patterns on the differentiation and maturation of mouse neural stem cells derived neurons Dr. Tárnok Krisztián


Darai Luca

Influence of the medial prefrontal cortex on social behaviour in rodents

Dr. Dobolyi Árpád


Molnár Evelin

Hippocampal plasticity processes in a rat autism model

Dr. Varró Petra

11:10-11:40 Szász Lea Katalin The role of posterior thalamic calbindin neurons in the social behaviour of mice

Dr. Oláh Szilvia
(Dr. Dobolyi Árpád)

11:40-12:00 Break


Essam Fawzy Ahmed Aly Nour

Population activity and cellular firing in the human epileptic hippocampal formation, in vitro

Dr. Wittner Lucia
(Dr. Schlett Katalin)


Diana Ayoub

Characterization of a non-canonical hippocampo-septal projection

Dr. Jelitai Márta
(Dr. Varró Petra)


Khuslen Batzorig

Motor and stress hormone responses during Pavlovian conditioning in mice

Dr. Hangya Balázs
(Dr. Varró Petra)


Pillár Vivien Szandra

Neuromodulátor-rendszerek száloptikás fotometriai vizsgálata különböző tanulási paradigmákban egér modellben

Dr. Hangya Balázs
(Dr. Dobolyi Árpád)