Scientific Publications
- Mittli D, Tukacs V, Micsonai A, Ravasz L, Kardos J, Juhász G, Kékesi KA. The Single-Cell Transcriptomic Analysis of Prefrontal Pyramidal Cells and Interneurons Reveals the Neuronal Expression of Genes Encoding Antimicrobial Peptides and Immune Proteins. Front Immunol. 2021 12:749433. IF: 7.561
- Gulyássy P, Todorov-Völgyi K, Tóth V, Györffy BA, Puska G, Simor A, Juhász G, Drahos L, Kékesi KA. The Effect of Sleep Deprivation and Subsequent Recovery Period on the Synaptic Proteome of Rat Cerebral Cortex. Mol Neurobiol. 2022 doi: 10.1007/s12035-021-02699-x IF: 5.590
- Bihátsiné KE, Brlik J, Kékesi A., Balla J. Zsírsavelegyek összetételének elválasztás és szarmazékképzés nélküli tömegspektrometriás vizsgalata. Magyar Kémiai Folyóirat, 1989; 95 (3):120-123. IF: -
- Juhász G, Emri Zs, Kékesi K, Pungor K: Local perfusion of the thalamus with GABA increases sleep and induces long-lasting inhibition of somatosensory event-related potentials in cats, Neurosci. Letters, 1989; 103: 229-233. IF: 2.806
- Juhász G, Kékesi K, Emri Zs, Soltész I, Crunelli V: Sleep-promoting action of excitatory amino acid antagonists: a different role for thalamic NMDA and non-NMDA receptors, Neurosci. Letters, 1990; 114(3): 333-338. IF: 2.765
- Pungor K, Papp M, Kékesi K, Juhász G: A novel effect of MPTP: the selective suppression of paradoxical sleep in cats, Brain Res. 1990; 525: 310-314. IF: 2.719
- Juhász G, Kékesi KA, Emri Zs, Ujszászi J, Krogsgaard-Larsen P, Schousboe A: Sleep-promoting effect of a putative glial g-aminobutyric acid uptake blocker applied in the thalamus of cats, Eur. J. Pharm. 1991; 209(1-2): 131-133. IF: 3.516
- Crunelli V, Emri Zs, Leresche N, Kékesi KA, Soltész I, Tóth K, Turner J, Juhász G: GABAb receptors in the ventrobasal thalamus assessed by in vivo and in vitro experiments, Pharmacol. Comm. 1992; 2: 113-116. IF: –
- Pungor K, Hajnal A, Kékesi AK, Juhász G: Paradoxical sleep deprivatory effect of a single low dose of MPTP which did not produce dopaminergic cell loss Exp. Brain Res. 1993; 95: 473-476. IF: 2.409
- Galambos R, Juhász G, Kékesi AK, Nyitrai G, Szilágyi N: Natural sleep modifies the rat electroretinogram, Proc. Natl. Acad.Sci. USA 1994; 91(11): 5153-5157. IF: 10.667
- Juhász G, Emri Zs, Kékesi AK, Salfay O, Crunelli V: Blockade of thalamic GABAb receptors decreases EEG synchronization, Neurosci Letters, 1994; 172(1-2): 155-158. IF: 2.703
- Kardos J, Blandl T, Kovács I, Kékesi KA, Reichart A, Nyitrai G, Dobolyi Á, Juhász G: Use of ligands with low nanomolar affinity to the GABAB receptor: The effect of CGP 55845A on the release of amino acids, Pharm. Rev. Comm., 1996; 8:153-157. IF: –
- Ábrahám I, Juhász G, Kékesi KA, Kovács K: Effect of intrahippocampal dexamethasone on the levels of amino acid transmitters and neuronal excitability, Brain Res. 1996; 733: 56-63. IF: 2.526
- Nyitrai G, Emri Zs, Crunelli V, Kékesi K, Reichart A, Dobolyi Á, Juhász G: Blockade of thalamic GABAb receptors in vivo increases excitatory amino acid levels, Eur. J. Pharmacol. 1996; 318(2-3): 295-300. IF: 2.339
- Kékesi AK, Dobolyi Á, Salfay O, Nyitrai G, Juhász G: Slow-wave-sleep is accompanied by release of certain amino acids in the thalamus of cats, NeuroReport 1997; 8(5): 1183-1186. IF: 2.262
- Klivényi P, Kékesi AK, Juhász G, Vécsei L: Amino acid concentrations in cerebrospinal fluid of patients with multiple sclerosis, Acta Neurol. Scand. 1997; 95(2): 96-98. IF: 0.902
- Juhász G, Kékesi KA, Nyitrai G, Dobolyi Á, Krogsgaard Larssen P, Schousboe A: Differential effects of nipecotic acid and 4,5,6,7-tetrahydro-isoxazolo 4,5,-c-pyridin-3-ol on extracellular g- aminobutyrate levels in rat thalamus, Eur. J. Pharmacol. 1997; 331: 139-144. IF: 1.960
- Nyitrai G, Kékesi AK, Dobolyi Á, Pungor K, Juhász G: Single low dose of MPTP decreases extracellular levels of noradrenaline and monoamine metabolites in the ventrobasal thalamus of the rats, Neurobiology, 1997; 5(2): 249-261. IF: –
- Varga V, Kékesi A, Juhász G, Kocsis B: Reduction of the extracellular level of glutamate in the median raphe nucleus associated with hippocampal theta activity in the anesthetized rat, Neurosci. 1998; 84(1): 49-57. IF: 3.591
- Ábrahám I, Juhász G, Kékesi KA, Kovács K: Corticosterone peak is responsible for stress-induced elevation of glutamate in the hippocampus, Stress, 1998; 2: 171-181. IF: -
- Dobolyi Á, Reichart A, Szikra T, Kékesi AK, Karancsi T, Slégel P, Palkovits M, Juhász G: Analysis of purine and pyrimidine bases, nucleosides and deoxynucleotides in brain microsamples (microdialysates and micropunches) and cerebrospinal fluid, Neurochem. Int., 1998; 32(3): 247-256. IF: 1.781
- Nyitrai G, Szárics É, Kovács I, Kékesi KA, Juhász G, Kardos J: Effect of CGP 36742 on the extracellular level of neurotransmitter amino acids in the thalamus. Neurochem Int. 1999; 34(5):391-398. IF: 2.175
- Dobolyi Á, Szikra T, Kékesi AK, Kovács Zs, Juhász G: Uridine is released by depolarization and inhibits unit activity in the rat hippocampus, NeuroReport, 1999; 10: 3049-3053. IF: 2.682
- Dobolyi Á, Reichart A, Szikra T, Nyitrai G, Kékesi KA, Juhász G: Sustained depolarisation induces changes in the purine and pyrimidine nucleoside microenvironment of brain cells in rat, Neurochem. Int. 2000; 37(1): 71-79. IF: 2.662
- Kékesi KA, Szilágyi N, Nyitrai G, Dobolyi Á, Skuban N, Kardos J: Persistent depolarization and Glu uptake inhibition operate distinct osmoregulatory mechanisms in the mammalian brain, Neurochem. Int. 2000; 37: 171-178, IF: 2.662
- Pálhalmi J, Szikra T, Kékesi AK, Papp A, Juhász G: An in vivo eyecup preparation for the rat. J. of Neurosci Meth. 2001; 105: 167-174. IF: 1.659
- Nyitrai G, Kékesi KA, Szilágyi N, Papp A, Juhász G, Kardos J: Neurotoxicity of Lindane and Picrotoxin: Neurochemical and Electrophysiological Correlates in the Rat Hippocampus In Vivo, Neurochem. Res. 2002; 27(1-2): 139-145. IF: 1.672
- Nyitrai G, Kékesi KA, Emri Zs, Szárics É, Juhász G, Kardos J: GABAB receptor antagonist CGP-36742 enhances somatostatin release in the rat hippocampus in vivo and in vitro, Eur. J. Pharmacol. 2003; 478(2-3): 111-119 IF: 2.352
- Hughes SW, Lőrincz M, Cope DW, Blethyn KL, Kékesi KA, Parri HR, Juhász G, Crunelli V: Synchronized oscillations at alpha and theta frequencies in the lateral Geniculate Nucleus Neuron, 2004; 42(2): 253-268. IF: 14.439
- Jelitai M, Anderova M, Markó K, Kékesi KA, Koncz P, Sykova E, Madarász E: Role of gamma-butyric acid in early neuronal development: Studies with an embryonic neuroectodermal stem cell clone, J. of Neurosci Res. 2004; 76(6): 801-811 IF: 3.727
- Slézia A, Kékesi AK, Szikra T, Papp AM, Nagy K, Szente M, Maglóczky Zs, Freund TF, Juhász G: Uridine release during aminopyridine-induced epilepsy Neurobiol Disease, 2004; 16(3): 490-9 IF: 4.389
- Kovács Zs, Kékesi AK, Bobest M, Török T, Szilágyi N, Szikra T, Szepesi Zs, Nyilas R, Dobolyi Á, Palkovits M, Juhász G: Post mortem degradation of nucleosides in the brain: comparison of human and rat brains for estimation of in vivo concentration of nucleosides J. Neurosci. Meth. 2005; 148: 88-93. IF: 1.784
- Klivényi P, Kékesi KA, Hartai Zs, Juhász G, Vécsei L: Effects of mitochondrial toxins ont he brain amino acid concentrations Neurochem Res. 2005; 30(11): 1421-1427. IF: 2.187
- Medveczky P, Antal J, Patthy A, Kékesi K, Juhász G, Szilágyi L, Gráf L: Human trypsin 4 selectively cleaves myelin basic protein: does this brain protease play a role inthe patomechanism of multiple sclerosis? FEBS Letters 2006; 580(2): 545-552. IF: 3.372
- Kovács Zs, Kékesi KA, Ábrahám I, Székács D, Király N, Papp E, Császár I, Szegő É, Barabás K, Andrásfalvy M, Erdei A, Bártfai T, Juhász G: Facilitation of spike-wave discharge activity by LPS in WAG/Rij rats Neuroscience 2006; 140(2): 732-42. IF: 3.427
- Nyitrai G, Kékesi KA, Juhász G: Extracellular level of GABA and Glu: in vivo microdialysis-HPLC measurements Curr Top Med Chem 2006; 6(10): 935-940. IF: 4.167
- Kékesi KA, Kovács Zs, Szilágyi N, Bobest M, Szikra T, Dobolyi Á, Juhász G, Palkovits M: Concentration of nucleosides and related compounds in cerebral and cerebellar cortical areas and white matters of the human brain, Cell Mol Neurobiol, 2006; 26(4-6): 833-844. IF: 2.219
- Szenthe B, Patthy A, Gáspári Z, Kékesi AK, Gráf L, Pál G: When the Surface Reports What Lies Beneath: Chimera Phage-Display Reveals that Surface-Core Interactions Cause Taxon-Specificity in the Pacifastin Protease Inhibitor Familiy, JMB, 2007; 370(1):63-79. IF: 4.472
- Tauber T, Berta B, Székely AJ, Gyarmati I, Kékesi K, Márialigeti K, Tóth EM: Characterisation of community structure of bacteria in parallel mesophilic and thermophilic pilot scale anaerob sludge digesters Acta Microbiologica et Immunologica Hungarica 2007; 54(1): 47-55. IF: -
- Hughes SW, Errington A, Lőrincz ML, Kékesi KA, Juhász G, Orbán G, Cope DW, Crunelli V: Novel modes of rhythmic burst firing at cognitively-relevant frequencies in thalamocortical neurons Brain Res. 2008; 1235: 12-20. IF: 2.494
- Lőrincz ML, Kékesi KA, Juhász G, Crunelli V, Hughes SW: Temporal framing of thalamic relay-mode firing by phasic inhibition during the alpha rhythm Neuron, 2009; 63(5): 683-696. IF: 13.260
- Héja L, Barabás P, Nyitrai G, Kékesi KA, Lasztóczi B, Toke O, Tárkányi G, Madsen K, Schousboe A, Dobolyi A, Palkovits M, Kardos J. Glutamate uptake triggers transporter-mediated GABA release from astrocytes. PLoS One 2009; 4(9):e7153. IF: 4.351
- Baracskay P, Kiglics V, Kékesi KA, Juhász G, Czurkó A: Status Epilepticus Affects the Gigantocellular Network of the Pontine Reticular Formation BMC Neuroscience 2009; 10:133 IF: 2.744
- Bálint G, Barabás K, Zeitler Zs, Bakos J, Pethes Á, Nagy E, Böröcz I, Lakatos T, Kékesi AK, Tanos E, Horváth J, Gáspár L: Lézerkezelés hatása a citoszolfehérjék expressziójára rheumatoid arthritises synoviumban. Effects of laser therapy on the expression of cytosolic proteins within the rheumatoid synovium. Immunológiai Szemle 2009/1. I évfolyam, 1-2. szám IF: -
- Kovács Zs, Juhász G, Dobolyi Á, Bobest M, Csókay A, Papp V, Takáts L, Kékesi KA: Gender- and age-dependent changes in the level of nucleosides in cerebral cortex and white matter of the human brain Brain Res Bull. 2010; 81(6): 579-84. IF: 2.498
- Kovács Zs, Dobolyi Á, Juhász G, Kékesi KA: Nucleoside map of the human central nervous system. Neurochemical Res, 2010; 35(3):452-464. IF: 2.608
- Szegő ÉM, Kékesi KA, Szabó Z, Janáky T, Juhász GD: Estrogen regulates cytoskeletal flexibility, cellular metabolism and synaptic proteins: A proteomic study. Psychoneuroendocrinology 2010; 35(6): 807-19. IF: 4.194
- Szegő ÉM, Janáky T, Szabó Z, Csorba A, Kompagne H, Müller G, Lévay Gy, Simor A, Juhász G, Kékesi KA: A mouse model of anxiety molecularly characterized by altered protein networks in the brain proteome Eur. Neuropsychopharm. 2010; 20(2): 96-111. IF: 4.201
- Major B, Kardos J, Kékesi KA, Lőrincz Zs, Závodszky P, GálP: Calcium-dependent conformational flexibility of a CUB domain controls activation of the complement serine protease C1r. JBC, 2010; 285(16): 11863-11869, IF: 5.328
- Takács E, Nyilas R, Szepesi Zs, Baracskay P, Karlsen B, Røsvold T, Bjørkum A, Czurkó A, Kovács Zs, Kékesi AK, Juhász G: Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 activity increased by epileptiform activities in the absence of neuronal death. Neurochem Int. 2010; 56(6-7): 799-809. IF: 3.601
- Kovács Zs, Kékesi KA, Juhász G, Czurkó A: Clomipramine increases the incidence and duration of spike-wave discharges in freely moving Wag/Rij rats. Epilepsy Res. 2010; 90(1-2): 167-70. IF: 2.302
- Orbán G, Völgyi K, Juhász GD, Penke B, Kékesi AK, Kardos J, Czurkó A: Different electrophysiological action of 24- and 72-hour aggregated amyloid-beta oligomers on hippocampal field population spike in both anesthetized and awake rats Brain Res. 2010; 1354: 227-235. IF: 2.623
- Kocsis A, Kékesi KA, Szász R, Végh BM, Balczer J, Dobó J, Závodszky P, Gál P, Pál G: Selective inhibition of the lectin pathway of complement with phage display selected peptides against Mannose-binding lectin-associated serine protease (MASP)-1 and -2: significant contribution of MASP-1 to lectin pathway activation J of Immunology 2010;185(7):4169-4178. IF: 5.745
- Szegő ÉM, Csorba A, Janáky T, Kékesi KA, Ábrahám IM, Mórotz GM, Penke B, Kardos J, Palkovits M, Juhász GD Estrogen reduces β-amyloid-induced cholinergic cell death via complex mechanism in mice. Neuroendocrinology 2011; 93(2): 90-105. IF: 2.376
- Kovács Zs, Czurkó A, Kékesi KA, Juhász G: The effect of intraperitoneally administered dimethyl sulfoxide on absence-like epileptic activity of freely moving Wag/Rij rats J. of Neurosci Methods, 2011; 197: 133-136. IF: 1.980
- Bálint G, Barabás K, Zeitler Zs, Bakos J, Kékesi KA, Pethes Á, Nagy E, Lakatos T, Bálint PV, Szekanecz Z: Ex vivo soft-laser treatment inhibits the synovial expression of vimentin and alfa-enolase, potential autoantigens in rheumatoid arthritis Physical Therapy, 91(5):665-74, 2011 IF: 3.113
- Kovács Zs, Juhász G, Palkovits M, Dobolyi Á, Kékesi KA: Area, age and gender dependence of the nucleoside system in the brain: a review of current literature Curr Top Med Chem, 2011; 11(8): 1012-1033. IF: 4.174
- Dobó J, Major B, Kékesi KA, Szabó I, Megyeri M, Hajela K, Juhász G, Závodszky P, Gál P: Cleavage of kininogen and subsequent bradykinin release by MASP-1 and MASP-2 PLoS ONE 6(5):e20036, 2011 IF: 4.092
- Szabó A, Héja D, Zboray K, Kékesi KA, Gráf L, Radisky ES, Sahin-Tóth M, Pál G: High-affinity peptide inhibitors of human chymotrypsin C (CTRC) selected by phage display reveal unusual preference for P4' acidic residues JBC 286(25):22535-45, 2011 IF: 4.773
- Kovács Zs, Czurkó A, Kékesi KA, Juhász G: Intracerebroventricularly administered Lipopolysaccharide enhances spike-wave discharges in freely moving Wag/Rij rats Brain Res Bull 85(6):410-6, 2011 IF: 2.818
- Kovács Zs, Kékesi KA, Baracskay P, Juhász G, Czurkó A: Doxycycline could aggravate the absence-like epileptic seizures of Wag/Rij rats through matrix metalloproteinase inhibition Neurochem Int. 59(5):563-6, 2011 IF: 2.857
- Hughes SW, Lőrincz ML, Blethyn K, Kékesi KA, Juhász G, Turmaine M, Parnavelas JG, Crunelli V: Thalamic gap junctions control local neuronal synchrony and influence macroscopic oscillation amplitude during EEG alpha rhythms Frontiers in Psychology, 2:193, 2011
- Kiss B, Duelli A, Radnai L, Kékesi KA, Katona G, Nyitray L: Crystal structure of the S100A4-nonmuscle myosin IIA tail fragment complex reveals an asymmetric target binding mechanism. PNAS(10916): 6048-6053 2012; IF: 9.737
- Héja D, Harmat V, Dobó J, Szász R, Kékesi KA, Závodszky P, Gál P and Pál G: Monospecific Inhibitors Show that both MASP-1 and MASP-2 are Essential for Lectin Pathway Activation and Reveal Structural Plasticity of MASP-2 JBC IF: 4.651
- Bajor M, Michaluk P, Gulyássy P, Kékesi KA, Juhász G, Kaczmarek L: Synaptic cell adhesion molecule 2 and collapsin response mediator protein 2 are novel members of the matrix metalloproteinase 9 degradome J Neurochem 2012 IF: 4.061 3.973
- Kovács Zs, Czurkó A, Kékesi KA, Juhász G: Neonatal clomipramine treatment reduces the absence epileptic activity of adult WAG/Rij rats Brain Res Bull 89(3-4):107-7 IF: 2.935
- Kékesi KA, Juhász G, Simor A, Gulyássy P, Szegő ÉM, Hunyadi-Gulyás É, Darula Zs, F. Medzihradszky K, Palkovits M, Penke B, Czurkó A: Altered functional protein networks in the prefrontal cortex and amygdala of victims of suicide PLoS ONE IF: 3.73
- Kovács Zs, Dobolyi Á, Kékesi K.A. Juhász G. 2013 5'-nucleotidases, nucleosides and their distribution in the brain: pathological and therapeutic implications Curr Med Chem. IF: 3.715
- Dobolyi A, Kékesi KA, Juhász G, Székely AD, Lovas G, Kovács Zs Receptors of Peptides as Therapeutic Targets in Epilepsy Research 2014 Curr Med Chem. IF: 3.85
- Kovács Z, Kékesi KA, Juhász G, Dobolyi Á. The antiepileptic potential of nucleosides. Curr Med Chem. 21(6):788-821. 2014 IF: 3.85
- Györffy B, Kovács Zs, Gulyássy P, Simor A, Völgyi K, Orbán G, Baracskay P, Szabó Z, Janáky T, Juhász G, Czurkó A, Kékesi KA: Brain protein expression changes in genetic absence epileptic WAG/Rij rats after peripheral lipopolysaccharide treatment Brain Behav Immun. 201435:86-95. IF: 5.889
- Kovács Zs, Dobolyi Á, Juhász G Kékesi KA Lipopolysaccharide induced increase in seizure activity in two animal models of absence epilepsy WAG / Rij and GAERS rats and Long Evans rats. Brain Res Bull 104:7-18. doi: 10.1016/j.brainresbull.2014.03.003. 2014 IF: 2.718
- Barabás K, Zeitler Z, Bálint G, Bakos J, Nagy E, Lakatos T, Kékesi AK, Tanos E, Szekanecz T Effects of laser treatment on the expression of cytosolic proteins in the synovium of patients with osteoarthritis Surg Laser Med 46(8):644-9. doi: 10.1002/lsm.22268. 2014 IF: 2.619
- Kovács Zs, Kardos J, Kékesi KA, Juhász G, Lakatos R, Héja L Effects of Nucleosides on Glia - Neuron Interactions: Open up New Vistas in Development of More Effective Antiepileptic Drugs Curr Med Chem 22(12):1500-14. IF: 3.455
- Kovács Zs, Kékesi KA, Juhász G, Barna J, Héja L, Lakatos R, Dobolyi Á Non-adenosine Nucleoside Inosine, Guanosine and Uridine as Promising Antiepileptic Drugs: a Summary of Current Literature Mini Rev Med Chem 14(13):1033-42. IF:2.841
- Kovács Z, Kardos J, Kékesi KA, Juhász G, Lakatos R, Héja L. Effects of Nucleosides on Glia - Neuron Interactions Open up New Vistas in the Development of More Effective Antiepileptic Drugs Curr Med Chem 22(12):1500-14. IF: 3.455
- Völgyi K, Gulyássy P, Háden K, Kis V, Kékesi KA, Simor A, Györffy B, Tóth EA, Lubec G, Juhász G, Dobolyi Á synaptic mitochondria: a brain mitochondria cluster with a specific proteome J Proteomics 120:142-57. 2015 IF: 3.867
- Kovács Zs, Kékes KA, Dobolyi Á, Lakatos R, Juhász G Absence epileptic activity changing effects of non-adenosine nucleoside inosine, guanosine and uridine in Wistar Albino Glaxo Rijswijk rats. Neuroscience 300:593-608. 2015 IF: 3.231
- Kovács Zs, Kékesi AK, Juhász G, Dobolyi Á Modulatory effects of inosine, guanosine and uridine on lipopolysaccharide-evoked increase in spike-wave discharge activity in Wistar Albino Glaxo/Rijswijk rats Brain Res Bull 118:46-57. 2015 IF: 2.572
- Völgyi K, Háden K, Kis V, Gulyássy P, Badics K, Györffy BA, Simor A, Szabó Z, Janáky T, Drahos L, Tretter L, Dobolyi Á, Penke B, Juhász G, Kékesi KA Mitochondrial Proteome Changes Correlating with β-Amyloid Accumulation. Molecular Neurobiology 54(3):2060-2078. 2017 IF: 6.190
- Györffy BA, Gulyássy P, Gellén B, Völgyi K, Madarasi D, Kis V, Ozohanics O, Papp I, Kovács P, Lubec G, Dobolyi Á, Kardos J, Drahos L, Juhász G, Kékesi KA. Widespread alterations in the synaptic proteome of the adolescent cerebral cortex following prenatal immune activation in rats. Brain Behav Immun 56:289-309. 2016 IF: 5.964
- Lakatos R, Dobolyi Á, Todorov M, Kékesi KA, Juhász G, Kovács Zs Guanosine may increase absence epileptic activity by means of A2A adenosine receptors in Wistar Albino Glaxo Rijswijk rats Brain Res Bull 124:172-81. 2016 IF: 3.033
- Gellén B, Völgyi K, Györffy BA, Balogh B, Darula Z, Hunyadi-Gulyás É, Baracskay P, Czurkó A, Hernádi I, Juhász G, Dobolyi Á, Kékesi KA. Proteomic investigation of the prefrontal cortex in the rat clomipramine model of depression. J Proteomics 2016 pii: S1874-3919(16)30266-4. doi: 10.1016/j.jprot.2016.06.027. IF: 3.914
- Völgyi K, Udvari EB, Szabó ÉR, Györffy BA, Hunyadi-Gulyás É, Medzihradszky K, Juhász G, Kékesi KA, Dobolyi Á. Maternal alterations in the proteome of the medial prefrontal cortex in rat. J Proteomics. 2016 pii: S1874-3919(16)30206-8. doi: 10.1016/j.jprot.2016.05.013. IF: 3.914
- Todorov M, Kékesi K, Borhegyi Zs, Galambos R, Juhász G, Hudetz A. Retino-cortical stimulus frequency-dependent gamma coupling: evidence and functional implications of oscillatory potentials Physiol Rep, 4 (17), 2016, e12986, doi: 10.14814/phy2.12986 IF: 1.61
- Simor A, Györffy BA, Gulyássy P, Völgyi K, Tóth V, Todorov MI, Kis V, Borhegyi Z, Szabó Z, Janáky T, Drahos L, Juhász G, Kékesi KA. The short- and long-term proteomic effects of sleep deprivation on the cortical and thalamic synapses. Mol Cell Neurosci. 79:64-80. doi: 10.1016/j.mcn.2017.01.002. 2017 IF: 3.312
- Udvari EB, Völgyi K, Gulyássy P, Dimén D, Kis V, Barna J, Szabó ÉR, Lubec G, Juhász G, Kékesi KA, Dobolyi Á, Synaptic proteome changes in the hypothalamus of mother rats J Proteomics 159:54-66. 2017 IF: 3.722
- Völgyi K, Gulyássy P, Todorov MI, Puska G, Badics K, Hlatky D, Kékesi KA, Nyitrai G, Czurkó A, Drahos L, Dobolyi A. Chronic cerebral hypoperfusion induced synaptic proteome changes in the rat cerebral cortex Mol Neurobiol 55(5):4253-4266. 2018 IF: 5.076
- Völgyi K, Badics K, Sialana FJ, Gulyássy P, Udvari EB, Kis V, Drahos L, Lubec G, Kékesi KA, Juhász G Early presymptomatic changes in the proteome of Mitochondria-Associated Membrane (MAM) in the APP/PS1 mice model of Alzheimer’s disease Mol Neurobiol 55(10):7839-7857 IF: 5.076
- Györffy BA, Kun J, Török Gy, Bulyáki É, Borhegyi Zs, Gulyássy P, Kis V, Szocsics P, Micsonai A, Matkó J, Drahos L, Juhász G, Kékesi KA, Kardos J Local apoptotic-like mechanisms underlie complement-mediated synaptic pruning Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 115(24):6303-6308. 2018 IF: 9.61
- Than NG, Romero R, Tarca AL, Kekesi KA, Xu Y, Zhonghui Xu, Kata Juhasz, Gaurav Bhatti, Ron Leavitt, Zsolt Gelencser, Janos Palhalmi, Tzu Hung Chung, Balazs Andras Gyorffy, Laszlo Orosz, Amanda Demeter, Anett Szecsi, Eva Hunyadi-Gulyas, Zsuzsanna Darula, Attila Simor, Katalin Eder, Szilvia Szabo, Vanessa Topping, Haidy El-Azzamy, Christopher LaJeunesse, Andrea Balogh, Gabor Szalai, Susan Land, Olga Torok, Zhong Dong, Ilona Kovalszky, Andras Flaus, Hamutal Meiri, Sorin Draghici, Sonia Hassan, Tinnakorn Chaiworapongsa, Manuel Krispin, Martin Knöfler, Offer Erez, Graham Burton, Chong Jai Kim, Gabor Juhasz, Zoltan Papp Integrated systems biology approach identifies novel maternal and placental pathways of preeclampsia Front Immunol 9:1661. IF: 5.511
- Udvari EB, Völgyi K, Kékesi KA, Simon D, Hunyadi-Gulyás É, Dobolyi A. Proteomic analysis of the maternal preoptic area in rats. Neurochem Res. 44(10):2314-2324. 2019 IF: 2.772
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